The Centre will run skills training programmes, as learning
trades is becoming common again. Trade based jobs are not
seasonal and much sought after. Trade jobs will put trainees in
touch with people who could be impacted for eternal life while
helping the entrepreneurs to make a living, much like Paul,
Aquila and Priscilla as tent makers and gospel workers (cf Acts
The programmes slated for this Centre will teach; carpentry,
plumbing, electrical technology, brick laying, stone masonry,
farming, bee keeping, metal fabrication, healthy food
preparation, tailoring, cloth designing and medical missionary
The idea is that as the Centre starts volunteers, experienced/experts
in the respective trades will teach the Centre’s programmes. A
believing Seventh - day Adventist Christian who is skilled in
the area of the Centre’s training programmes is welcome to
volunteer and commit to teach the skill for 3 months or more,
at their own cost. Volunteers will be sought nationally and
internationally. The Centre will only provide accommodation,
food and a living allowance for the volunteers.
The skills taught will build and sustain the Centre in the sense
that the building, development and maintenance of the Centre
will serve as practical training for the training
entrepreneur/tent maker. For example, the trainees learning
brick laying/ stone masonry will erect a building for the Centre
as practicum. Those learning farming and cooking will provide
farm produce and food for the Centre respectively. Carpenters
will do the wood finishing while electrical technology trainees
will undertake the electrical connections. And products produced
by the Centre, including health expos, in the medical missionary
training programme, as part of the training will be sold to
generate income for the Centre. All this work will go toward
their portfolio, which should help in their placement with
established and organized entities, should they wish to serve in
such areas.
At the end of three months initial training at the Centre,
trainees participate in a three-month (volunteer) internship
programme for their further development in two ways:
(a) Remain at the Centre as volunteers. This will enable trainees
who wish to consolidate their training at the Centre to do so.
(b) Be seconded to established partners registered with the Centre
in the trade of their choice on a voluntary basis
Every programme includes training in entrepreneurship training so
that the graduates can become self-sustaining with their skills.
The length of the programme, including internship, is 6 months.