who we are

About Us

Purpose of Youth Restore And Lifestyle Centre

Youth Restore and Lifestyle Centre will exist to train young [and possibly, interested, older] people as 'tent-makers', disciple-making disciples who in turn will go on to take the message of Christ's gospel and second advent in homes, offices and other settings where their skills will bring them. The Centre will do this by offering training in trades and basic entreneourship taught by experienced and expert volunteers, and will include Biblical training and community health outreach to complete their equipment. Thus the training at the Centre has three aspects: skills training, Biblical training and community health outreach.

The Concept of Youth Restore
And Lifestyle Centre

The Youth Restore and Lifestyle Centre (hereafter, the Centre) is set up to be a self-supporting, self-sustaining independent ministry to inspire and train practical disciple-making disciples who appreciate God’s ‘why’ for life, health and the gospel. We currently do not have many disciple makers or people who have been trained in entrepreneurship [self-sustaining] skills and Christian natural health lifestyle principles and that go on to impart the same skills and principles to others.

This Centre will seek to restore the lives and self-esteem of young people who desire alternative means of making a living to formal paid work, and will train the young people as tent-makers and disciple-making disciples who in turn will go on to take the message of Christ [the gospel] and His second advent in homes, offices and other settings where their skills will bring them. This will enable the youth to fulfill the great commission (to make disciples of all nations) in practical ways.

The Centre will couple the training of young people in trades and basic entrepreneurship with Biblical training and community health outreach. Thus the training at the Centre has three aspects: skills training, Biblical training and community health outreach.

Mission Statement

The church, being the people, is God's appointed agency for the salvation of men secured by Christ, the Saviour.”


To see every Christian being disciple-making disciples and finishing the work of taking the gospel to the ends of the earth.

Objectives of the Centre

1. Provide young people with skills to make a living
2. Help finish the work Christ left for us, through the vehicle of the great commission in a practical manner.
3. Equip people to confidently share their faith and the Word of God.
4. Foster the maturity of trainees to become disciples who go on to make other disciples.

5. To encourage Seventh-day Adventist Church members to be the church in their communities rather than think to bring friends to church programmes as a means of bringing them to Jesus.
6. To teach members of the Seventh-day Adventist Church to lead people to Jesus Christ in their vocations.
7. To promote the health of communities through simple natural principles of health

Our Volunteers

Expert volunteer to get best

Justin hammer


Justin hammer


Justin hammer


Justin hammer


Justin hammer


Justin hammer


Justin hammer


Justin hammer



We can’t help everyone,
but everyone can help

Make A Donation
  • The Centre will run skills training programmes, as learning trades is becoming common again. Trade based jobs are not seasonal and much sought after. Trade jobs will put trainees in touch with people who could be impacted for eternal life while helping the entrepreneurs to make a living, much like Paul, Aquila and Priscilla as tent makers and gospel workers (cf Acts 18:2-3)

    The programmes slated for this Centre will teach; carpentry, plumbing, electrical technology, brick laying, stone masonry, farming, bee keeping, metal fabrication, healthy food preparation, tailoring, cloth designing and medical missionary training.

    The idea is that as the Centre starts volunteers, experienced/experts in the respective trades will teach the Centre’s programmes. A believing Seventh - day Adventist Christian who is skilled in the area of the Centre’s training programmes is welcome to volunteer and commit to teach the skill for 3 months or more, at their own cost. Volunteers will be sought nationally and internationally. The Centre will only provide accommodation, food and a living allowance for the volunteers.

    The skills taught will build and sustain the Centre in the sense that the building, development and maintenance of the Centre will serve as practical training for the training entrepreneur/tent maker. For example, the trainees learning brick laying/ stone masonry will erect a building for the Centre as practicum. Those learning farming and cooking will provide farm produce and food for the Centre respectively. Carpenters will do the wood finishing while electrical technology trainees will undertake the electrical connections. And products produced by the Centre, including health expos, in the medical missionary training programme, as part of the training will be sold to generate income for the Centre. All this work will go toward their portfolio, which should help in their placement with established and organized entities, should they wish to serve in such areas.

    At the end of three months initial training at the Centre, trainees participate in a three-month (volunteer) internship programme for their further development in two ways:

    (a) Remain at the Centre as volunteers. This will enable trainees who wish to consolidate their training at the Centre to do so.
    (b) Be seconded to established partners registered with the Centre in the trade of their choice on a voluntary basis

    Every programme includes training in entrepreneurship training so that the graduates can become self-sustaining with their skills. The length of the programme, including internship, is 6 months.

  • The second aspect of this Centre is Biblical training. This is aimed at teaching people a simple and interactive way of sharing the good news of salvation and lead to conversation about the Second-coming of Jesus and living life now as we wait for that time. Seeing that many people do not feel ready enough to lead a Bible Study.

    The Discovery Bible Study is the first step of this Biblical training and it is an interactive study of God’s word. It helps the participants memorize scripture as well as learn an easy, laid back way of facilitating a Bible study, leading people into the truth.

    Biblical training will incorporate the Spirit of Prophecy – as much as possible, every passage studied will get a Spirit of Prophecy reference or supplement.

    The study runs for 10 weeks and follows a simple flow. It starts with questions that promote community:
    (i) What are you thankful for?
    (ii) What are you struggling with and how would like us to help?
    (iii) This is followed by responses to the expressed struggles and prayers for the expressed struggles.

    These questions are aimed at creating community among the participants. The expressed struggles can be followed up every time the group meets.

    The leader picks a passage to consider and goes through these questions with the group (3-4 people works best).

    (i) Tell the story/passage in your own words.
    (ii) What does the passage tell you about God?
    (iii) What does the passage tell you about man?
    (iv) Knowing this story now, what will you do?
    (v) Who would you like to share this story with?

    An important element of this training is commitment to sharing. The students will commit to sharing what they learn with someone, first on campus and secondly away from campus. The sharing with someone on campus is so that they can practice the skill of sharing in their own words and as they understand. The sharing with someone away from campus will be in form of a letter/write up, bulleted. This commitment must be affirmed continually until the student graduates so that it is fulfilled while away from campus. The training will go on to include courses on “How to study the Bible,” and “How to understand Scripture.”

  • The third aspect training at the Centre is community health outreach to impact communities with practical medical missionary work with a view to wholesomely enrich the community, meeting physical and spiritual needs.

    Entrepreneur trainees and the Centre will reach out to and adopt communities with medical missionary work based on NEWSTART principles to restore the physical and spiritual health of community members, bearing in mind that in Seventh - day Adventist understanding, health reform is the right arm of the gospel.

    This is planned to pave the way for the development of a Wellness Centre on site. A Wellness Centre that will serve people looking to make lifestyles changes.

  • Voluntourism is a combination of two words, volunteer and tourism. This is referring to the thrust of the Centre to utilize the energy of skilled people who would consider adhering to the Centre’s rules and come and impart knowledge. This facility in the training will be opened to international experts who will be encouraged to come and have the opportunity to see another country and experience other cultures while they give a service. Voluntourism has been around for a while now and many people ‘travel for a cause.’ With national parks in close proximity, this may encourage skilled individuals to travel to teach at the Centre.

  • Red brick, bamboo, wood. The structures will have finishes that promote wellness and wholeness. We should endeavor to maintain the landscape of the Centre site and build into the environment without destroying it.

    This will be an added gift of the graduates who may already be knowledgeable about bricklaying but lack a finishing touch that will make them most sort after. This is geared to change culture and restore the children of God.

  • Solar energy is desired for lighting and pumping of water. Off grid solutions. We desire sustainable and renewable energy.

  • Review the page with sample structures desired for this project.

  • - Carpentry. We are partnering with Inspired Wood Furnishers for this skill.
    - Plumbing
    - Electrical wiring
    - Bricklaying/Stone masonry
    - Farming
    - Metal fabrication
    - Cooking
    - Bee keeping
    - Tailoring/ cloth designing
    - Medical missionary training

    Every programme to have a focus on tent making, restoration, excellence of service or product and sustainability.

    Fundraising and self-sustenance of the Centre.
    - Funds solicited, no strings attached.
    - Bee keeping for honey production.
    - Animal rearing on part of the land; quails, cattle, goats and sheep. [Not definite]
    - Products from the Centre will be branded and sold.
    - Some job assignments done by students from the Centre. Jobs in the carpentry, plumbing, electrical technology, brick laying, stone masonry, farming, metal fabrication, cooking, tailoring, cloth designing and medical missionary training divisions.

    For example, beehives. Beehives can be made by the carpenters, and given to women in the community, who will be taught how to keep bees so they can produce honey. The honey can be bought at a cheaper price by the Centre as part of the deal, to be branded and sold. This way, the people have an income from selling the Centre honey and they can look after their families, and the Centre has income too after selling the honey.

    - The structures on the Centre grounds will all be made by students at the Centre and added to their portfolios.
    - Women in the community and at the Centre can be taught to make a variety of creative things through tailoring, like stuffed toys, in the form of vegetables (like vegetales), which can then be sold at markets in the cities under the Restore Centre brand, and may be attractive to tourists and expatriates.
    - Healthy food restaurant where there we can hold health lectures as well.