Donation Confirmation

Donation Details

Additonal Information

Funds for Running the Organisation

Dear Prospective Donors

We are writting to request funding for runnning the business of the Youth Restore and Lifestyle Centre (YRLC)

YRLC is a non-profit Chrisitan community development Center, registered under the laws of Zambia. The organization was established to develop a skills training center that will equip and empower yout in the rural community around Chisamba District, where the organization is located, for a better livelihood. It also seeks to contribute to the reducation of unemployment in the country, which stands at approximately 13.03% (as of 2021), through practical training programmes in capentry, bricklaying, plumbing, bee-keeping, tailoring and design, Christian missionary training, eco-friendly gardenng for the sustenance of the trainees and natural lifestyle training. The lifestyle coaching seeks to improve the health of the trainees and, ultimately theur coommunitiesm, through Biblical principles on nutrition, exercise, water, sunshine, temperance, air, rest and trust in God. Thus, the training at the Center does not only teach our students to become self-sufficient and to create and maintain their own business and achieve long-term finiancial stability, but it also teaches them how to incorporate healthful living in their lives.

The currrent trend among the youth is to wait for employment opportunities to be provided for them. In the face of the realities of the lack of employment, some youth resign to loitering and succumb to substance abusem such as alcohol. Our mission is to restore such youth in the community to refocus their lives by learning t use their hands and adopt healthier lifestyles. YRLC intends to impart a mindset shift in the youth who come to the Centre. and when the Centre succeeds, we will see more youth empowered and possessing restored confidence to live life and provide for themselves.

Furtmore, the government of the republic of Zambia is embarking on empowering citizens with lifes skills to benefit the economy of our country and provide the citizens with tools for personal development. While YRLC has no link whatsover with governement in tis efforts to empower its citizens with life skills and to grow the national economy, we believer that the YRLC project will ndireclty add to the government's efforts in both these respects, while at the same time ennobling the lives of people in the rural community of Chisamba. We furthermore, believe that, the YRLC Centre in Chisamba will inspire similar projects in other rural communities to which we intend to extend the model of skills-training being developed at this Center.

In terms of long-term sustainability of the YRLC project, we are committed to making the Centre self-sustaining, and we have already taken steps to achieve this goal. In this respect, we have started a garden on-site to produce food for the Center, as well as for sale together with the products the students in their practical training.

We have a priority list that will help get us to self-sustaining status sooner. Top on our list is the need to secure the physical assets YRLC presently has on site: Putting up a fence around the 11.2 hectare property, and putting up solar power at this property. We invite you to look at the list of other immediate needs below:

1. Building two dormitories for boys and girls and ablution block.
2. Building skills training workshop.
3. Building a tailoring training shop.
4. Building a kitchen and dinning room.
5. Building a guest house and 3 staff houses.
6. Purchasing a Gas cooker.
7. Purchasing Tools for the workshop.
8. Purchasing Gardening tools.
9. Purchasing a 500kV generator.

Bank Details

below are the Bank details you may send your apprciation to. After completion, please send a screenshot of transaction to the following email and we will respond to you accordingly.

Bank Name:
Account Name:
Account Number:
Swift Code:
Bank/Sort Code:

Thank you for considering to extend a gift to the YRLC. We believe that our training Centre has the potential to make a significant impact in our communities, and we are excited about the opportunity to expand our reach and change lives for the better.